Submissions Open for the upcoming We are Proud Exhibition in September
The exhibition in the Museum Shut, will be a celebration for Shrewsbury Pride 2024
We need your artwork to display! Please create anything you like and drop it into the Museum Shop.
Pieces for this must be 7×5 inches in the landscape orientation. They can be photographs, art pieces, flags, poetry, whatever you want them to be. There is no age limit, however you will be limited to one piece each… I am so looking forward to receiving your entries.
Please include your details with your piece like your name, age, a short description of your entry ?
Send your entries to the Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery at this address before August 31st please…
We Are Proud Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery The Square Shrewsbury SY1 1LH
If you have any questions or queries at all, please feel free to contact me on Facebook, or email me on the following address
[email protected]